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New Office & New Possibilities: Boardroom and Media Room Updates

9 December 2021

Frank Mirecki

We’re really excited to be meeting in person at our Burlington Office with our employees, partners and clients. It’s been a long wait and a lot has changed but we’re very optimistic about the future and looking forward to continued growth and always working improving our commitment to excellent service.

We moved to our new location in Burlington this summer and recently completed some upgrades and projects that will improve our ability to collaborate, meet, and work with our partners and clients.

Board Room

It’s great to be meeting in person again with our staff, partners, and clients. We’ve set up the board room to accommodate in person meetings as well as upped the game for hybrid working and collaboration sessions.


Our new board room is equipped with an Avaya CU360 video conference camera for high quality video, and an Avaya B179 conference phone for dialing in. We also have a 75” tv to enable remote working sessions as well as in person demonstrations.


Media Room

Of all the changes we’ve made in the last year, surely this is the one we’re most excited about. We’ve built a high-tech audio and video creation room to record content for our new YouTube channel that we will be launching in 2022. The space is equipped with professional audio, video, and lighting equipment for the best quality content

We will be providing high quality reviews on tech equipment like business phones, headsets, webcams, conference phones.

Industry news and updates on the latest and greatest about tech, contact centre, unified communication and digital transformation.

Podcasts and interviews with industry experts and many more topics!

Stay tuned and look out for new content in the new year!

Frank Mirecki
9 December 2021
9 December 2021
New Office & New Possibilities: Boardroom and Media Room Updates

We’re really excited to be meeting in person at our Burlington Office with our employees, partners and clients. It’s been a long wait and a lot has changed but we’re very optimistic about the future and looking forward to continued growth and always working improving our commitment to excellent service. We moved to our new […]

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