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How Do You Improve Customer Experience in Your Contact Centers

27 August 2021

Frank Mirecki

Contact centers have had the incredible advantage of emerging technologies pushing globalization in the digital age. A customer experience strategy is more crucial than ever if you want your brand to compete worldwide.

  According to a study, 67% of customers are quickly turned off into a successful conversion because of poor user experiences. Providing a meaningful consumer experience should be seen in its totality and considered in every part of your business process.  The customer experience (CX) should be, as its name suggests, customer-centric, which means that businesses must constantly respond to their user’s needs and expectations. It entails knowing consumer demands at every CX life cycle stage, engagements with your company, the challenges that users encounter, and how to resolve such challenges successfully. See how you can improve CX, beginning with your contact centers, in the following tips or strategies: 

Develop a Customer-Centric Culture in Your Team 

Customer centricity should be deeply embedded at the foundation of your business. It should guide every business decision you make and how you do the things that you do. You need to repeatedly discuss it with your team, in your KPIs, and in your various activities to establish this culture. At the outset, your contact center agents need to understand its significance to the company’s success. Remember that this customer-first attitude will not be achieved overnight, as culture is not achieved overnight. If your company lacks this area, you need to invest the time to instill such an attitude in your employees. 

Develop Customer Awareness

For your employees to properly serve your customers’ needs, you need to know who your customers are—and everyone on board should do so as well. Your contact center may get calls from various consumers, each with unique wants and demands, and here is where customer awareness comes in handy. Customer awareness takes more than knowing their demographics or location, but their user journey, how they use your services or products, how they engage, and what strategies they best respond to. You can create customer personas to guide your team who you are targeting and serving. Using machine learning and AI such as the ones available from Amazon Connect will give your team unprecedneted insight into how your agents are interacting with customers. Having that data on had will help you make quicker and smarter decisions in real time. 

Strengthen Your Customer Engagement 

When businesses become more “involved” in the lives of their customers, the more that customers will likely respond to marketing strategies they employ. Customers are now vocal, more involved and proactive with their decision, and value user-generated content.  For this reason, it’s essential to be where your customers are—be it in social media, messaging apps, mobile apps, forums, and the like. You also need to improve your response time and the quality of your engagements. 

Maintain a Standard of Service Through Every Channel

When you establish benchmarks or milestones for your team, it sets you up for continuous improvement. Measures such as target number of customers accommodated or conversions garnered can guide your team to change or improve methods if the output is sub-par.  When benchmarks are easily reached, you can motivate your team to improve by adjusting strategies, keeping your team from becoming stagnant or outdated. 


Every business owner wants to see success in their business, as reflected in their revenues. In seeking profitability in your company, you need to understand that it starts from providing relevant and valuable solutions to your customers. What customer needs in your niche are not being met? Knowing the answer gives you an edge, as you can build strategies that fill users’ needs where there is a lack of response. Being customer-focused is a long-term strategy that will reflect highly in your revenues and brand reputation in the long run.  BrantTel has been leading the way in business communication for over 35 years. You can trust us when it comes to giving you sound and strategic advice for your customer experience, business phone, collaboration, cloud technology, and digital transformation. Speak to our advisors today!


Frank Mirecki

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27 August 2021
How Do You Improve Customer Experience in Your Contact Centers

Contact centers have had the incredible advantage of emerging technologies pushing globalization in the digital age. A customer experience strategy is more crucial than ever if you want your brand to compete worldwide.   According to a study, 67% of customers are quickly turned off into a successful conversion because of poor user experiences. Providing […]

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