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5 Signs Your Customer Experience Needs Improvement

13 December 2021

Frank Mirecki

For any business to succeed, regardless of how small or big it is, it will need to listen to its customers and answer their questions sufficiently to provide a well-rounded customer experience.

However, some companies believe that customer experience ends once they convert; the process continues long after, as the goal is to keep a long list of loyal customers that keep returning to your business to purchase.

Your customers want to feel like you genuinely care about them and that you’re not simply after their money. However, your customer experience may be telling a different story, which is why it’s worth reviewing to see if it needs an overhaul. Here are five signs your customer experience needs to improve:

Not Demonstrating Genuine Concern for Your Customers

Building a relationship with your customers is a vital ingredient to your success. It is also needed to turn a prospect into a customer. However, even if you have the best lead generation strategy in the world, it won’t amount to anything if you don’t demonstrate full commitment and dedication to solving your customers’ problems. If you look at them as sales numbers instead of human beings who depend on your business to improve their quality of life, you’ll have difficulty convincing them to trust you.

Treating Your Prospects and Customers Like Numbers

Like the previous point, don’t treat your prospects like numbers on a spreadsheet. Instead, make an effort to know them and tailor each communication accordingly. Generic emails and messages let them know that you care more about efficiency than making them feel recognized and appreciated for giving you their hard-earned money. Use your customer relationship management tool to monitor the stage a prospect is in and gather more insights about who they are and what they need to move further down the funnel.

Not Being Transparent or Personal When Trouble Arises

Sometimes, urgent issues arise, and your customers expect you to act fast to ensure customer satisfaction. However, if you take your time to respond to their complaints and send generic messages, they’ll only grow more frustrated and take their business elsewhere. To avoid this, show that you genuinely care about supporting them by using robust ticketing, live chat, and other messaging tools to provide them with constant updates.

Overlooking Your Customers’ Pain Points

The fastest way to lose your customers and prevent them from becoming loyal to you is by ignoring their pain points. Even if you excel at everything else, if you overlook what inconveniences them, you’ll be missing out on a significant opportunity to create a positive customer experience. Look at real-life interactions as your foundation for resolving the issues your customers face and look for ways to prevent them from happening again.

For instance, use details like their job titles, obstacles that stop them from completing their work, or the goals they want to achieve. These will help you understand how to position your product as the precise solution to their problems.

Ignoring Feedback, Complaints, and Reviews

While every business wants to bask in glowing reviews, negative ones are just as important, as it highlights the things about your processes that you could improve. Listen to feedback and criticism and respond graciously. Even though you can’t control what they say, you can certainly control how you respond, and your other customers will be watching to see how you handle negative reviews. Unanswered reviews will make it look like you don’t care, and word-of-mouth spreads like wildfire. The goal is to ensure that everyone, even your unhappy customers, walks away with a positive customer experience.


Providing your customers with an overall positive experience can be tricky. However, by being aware of these five signs, you’ll know when you need to improve your customer experience and give the attention, time, and care your customers deserve. Regardless of your workload, it is essential to ensure that you provide each customer with the most optimal experience possible.

BrantTel is a team of digital business consultants who help businesses overhaul their customer experience, digital transformation, cloud technology, collaboration, and business phone processes. Schedule a consultation with us today!

Frank Mirecki
13 December 2021
13 December 2021
5 Signs Your Customer Experience Needs Improvement

For any business to succeed, regardless of how small or big it is, it will need to listen to its customers and answer their questions sufficiently to provide a well-rounded customer experience. However, some companies believe that customer experience ends once they convert; the process continues long after, as the goal is to keep a […]

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